Jumat, 25 April 2014

cara memutihkan wajah agar tidak kusam

cara memutihkan wajah agar tidak kusam There are many ways to whiten the face that you can try at home , can be a natural way and the modern way . Having white skin is the dream of every woman . The reason is quite simple , with a white face then you will look cleaner .

Actually have a bright skin is enough to make you look clean . But most women are not happy if it only has a bright face . As a result, many are tempted to use drugs bleach Abal Abal who claimed to whiten skin instantly . Of course by using products not clear it can make you end up with skin redness , irritation , burns , or infections and even skin cancer .

There are actually safer natural ways to make your skin whiter . Of course the natural way can not provide instant results and white like the ads on tv that has been through the editing process . However, the natural way to make your skin look brighter , no blemishes acne scars , dark spots or early aging .

Immediately following are some ways to whiten skin that you can try at home .

Tea and honey
Prepare materials

    Tea 100 ml of water ( cooled )
    2 teaspoons rice flour
    1/2 tablespoon of honey

How to make and use it :

    First , mix all ingredients until evenly distributed .
    Then maskerkan kurnag face and let sit for 20 minutes more until dry .
    Clean the face with a special sponge for the face .
    Every now and then massage in a circular motion so that the dead skin cells to exfoliate .
    Lastly, wash your face with cold water again . Do it this way 1-2 times a week to keep skin whiter and brighter .

Lemon and oatmeal
Prepare the ingredients :

    2 tablespoons oatmeal
    100 ml lime juice

How to make and use it :

    First , mix all ingredients together , then stir until evenly distributed .
    Apply on the face , then after half dry massage with a circular motion .
    Pulaskan again with the remaining ingredients , let stand for about 20 minutes .
    Final rinse and dry your face with a towel , patting manner .

Of course using natural ingredients our skin becomes more healthy and safe from the harmful side effects of the use of chemical-based bleach . Good luck !

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